Stargate 2012.
STARGATE 2012: LIVING THE RE-EVOLUTION, with William Henry. An ancient prophecy, a miraculous new spiritual technology, a bright new world. In his books "Cloak of the Illuminati," "Oracle of the Illuminati" and soon-to-be-published "Empire of the Illuminati," investigative mythologist William Henry has analyzed the most cryptic symbols of 2012.
In this workshop he will pieces together Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan artwork and symbolism to reveal their shared Ideal: the long-sought "Stargate of the Gods," the angelic "Stairway to Heaven". Then, he will compare these images with those of Modern Science to present the background for the revival of humanity. This workshop offers a message of hope for the entire human race: by the efforts of our collective heart-mind, terror will soon be overcome by tara (enlightenment). For more information visit
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